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Lastest Auditor Changes

Company Name Domicile Engagement Start New Auditor Previous Auditor
Pro Kloster Disentis Disentis/Mustér 06.09.2024 RRT AG Treuhand und Revision, Chur PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Chur
Cyntos AG Küsnacht (ZH) 06.09.2024 Stieger + Partner Revisions AG, Rapperswil-Jona Lienhard Audit AG, Zürich
Aris Personalberatung GmbH Basel 06.09.2024 Prosolve SA, Società di revisione contabile e consulenza aziendale, Lugano Roberto Bassi & Partners SA, Società di Revisione e Consulenza Aziendale in liquidazione, Lugano
P-Vision AG Winterthur 06.09.2024 Eugster Treuhand AG, Dübendorf steffen rausch kessler ag weinfelden, Weinfelden
Immovalor Invest AG Klosters 06.09.2024 Revor Treuhand AG, Dübendorf Gricon Treuhand + Immobilien AG, Klosters
Stiftung S. & B. Salzmann Muri bei Bern 06.09.2024 RZ Treuhand AG, Köniz GEWERBETREUHAND AG BERN, Bern
Haart AG Zürich 06.09.2024 BDO AG, Steinhausen PRV Provides Treuhandgesellschaft AG, Baar
Stiftung der Evangelischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich Zürich 05.09.2024 von Graffenried AG Treuhand, Bern OBT AG, Zürich
Physical Logic AG Zürich 05.09.2024 Avanta Audit AG, Baar Avanta Group AG, Baar
Rieder's Whisky Truffes AG Basel 05.09.2024 BDO AG, Basel BANDO TREUHAND AG, Basel
BASF Intertrade AG Zug 05.09.2024 Deloitte AG, Basel KPMG AG, Zug
Walter Siegmann Liegenschaften AG Zürich 05.09.2024 Ernst & Young AG, Basel PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zürich
Woodwelding AG Stansstad 05.09.2024 Bommer + Partner Treuhand KLG, Bern STM Steuerberatung & Treuhand Mettler AG, Zürich
InhouseControl AG Ettingen 05.09.2024 BDO AG, Basel BANDO TREUHAND AG, Basel
Brabender Group AG Unterägeri 05.09.2024 Audvisa Revisions AG, Risch Balmer-Etienne AG, Luzern
Siggenthal4net AG Obersiggenthal 05.09.2024 Rödl & Partner AG, Zürich Deloitte AG, Zürich
Praxisgemeinschaft Storchen AG Stein am Rhein 05.09.2024 BDO AG, St. Gallen PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, Frauenfeld
Brabender Systems GmbH Unterägeri 05.09.2024 Audvisa Revisions AG, Risch Balmer-Etienne AG, Luzern
Klenico Holding AG Zürich 05.09.2024 Kern Treuhand AG, Dübendorf XELLENZ Revisionen GmbH, Zürich
Alloggi Ticino Luganese SA Bioggio 05.09.2024 REBEFID Sagl, Bellinzona Novist SA, Bellinzona

Evolution of the Swiss Audit Market

The chart depicts the evolution of active limited companies (AG, SA) and limited liability companies (GmbH, Sàrl) and shows how many of them have a statutory auditor. The decline is strongly related to the possibility of an opting-out for companies with up to ten employees which was introduced in 2008. At the same time, the number of new company registrations has increased significantly over the last years, thus reducing the audit rate for limited companies and limited liability companies from around 64% in 2005 to currently less than 20%.