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Lastest Auditor Changes

Company Name Domicile Engagement Start New Auditor Previous Auditor
Brainfield AG Zürich 10.10.2024 Gebert Revision AG, Wil (SG) Primo Treuhand AG, Wattwil
Roberit AG Windisch 10.10.2024 PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Winterthur Wirz Treuhand AG, Schöftland, Schöftland
Degiorgi Impresa Pittura SA Lugano 10.10.2024 ARC Revisioni e Consulenze SA, Lugano Capifid SA, Chiasso
VALITAS AG Zug 10.10.2024 BDO AG, Zürich KMU Treuhand und Revisions AG, Schübelbach
Pharmalys Laboratories SA Hochdorf 10.10.2024 Avanta Audit AG, Baar Avanta AG, Baar
Les Soins Volants Sàrl Montreux 10.10.2024 Fiduciaire Giavazzi SA, Montreux Fiduciaire José Giavazzi S.A., succursale de Montreux, Montreux
TwentyGreen AG Root 10.10.2024 GF Audit SA, succursale de Morges, Morges Testatoris AG, Luzern
ASIPEX AG Einsiedeln 10.10.2024 OBT AG, Brugg Ernst & Young AG, Zürich
PLEION SA Genève 10.10.2024 BDO SA, Vernier Deloitte SA, Genève
ProdEq Trading GmbH Niederhelfenschwil 10.10.2024 rawp wirtschaftsprüfung ag, Wil (SG) rawp raschle wirtschaftsprüfung, St. Gallen
Personalfürsorgestiftung der Firma E. Bollinger Furniere AG, Nürensdorf ZH Nürensdorf 10.10.2024 OPES AG, Luzern Züsli Treuhand AG, Luzern
Technifin SA Fribourg 10.10.2024 EA Experts Audits SA, Genève Fehlmann & Associés SA, Genève
Niederer Ralph Generalunternehmer AG Rorschach 10.10.2024 Rinderer & Partner AG, Buchs (SG) Bösch & Rinderer Revisions AG, Buchs (SG)
Personalfürsorgestiftung der Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten der Schweiz Bern 10.10.2024 Gfeller + Partner AG, Langenthal HJ Treuhand GmbH, Bern
Bollinger Furniere AG Nürensdorf 10.10.2024 OPES AG, Luzern Züsli Treuhand AG, Luzern
Les Hauts de Pigranel SA Collonge-Bellerive 10.10.2024 EA Experts Audits SA, Genève Fehlmann & Associés SA, Genève
MTG mécanique de précision SA Plateau de Diesse 10.10.2024 Cabinet d'audit Leitenberg & Associés SA, Neuchâtel KPMG SA, Neuchâtel
Stiftung Ferienkolonie der Stadt Chur Chur 09.10.2024 Calanda Audit AG, Chur PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Chur
Walo Bertschinger AG Bern Bern 09.10.2024 Balmer-Etienne AG, Luzern Trigema AG, Zürich
Weibel Druck AG Windisch 09.10.2024 BruWi Treuhand AG, Baden Wirz Treuhand AG, Schöftland, Schöftland

Evolution of the Swiss Audit Market

The chart depicts the evolution of active limited companies (AG, SA) and limited liability companies (GmbH, Sàrl) and shows how many of them have a statutory auditor. The decline is strongly related to the possibility of an opting-out for companies with up to ten employees which was introduced in 2008. At the same time, the number of new company registrations has increased significantly over the last years, thus reducing the audit rate for limited companies and limited liability companies from around 64% in 2005 to currently less than 20%.