Partnerships between audit firms
Evolution of the Swiss audit market
The introduction of the opting-out and the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) in 2008 heralded a wave of consolidation in the Swiss audit market, which has since leveled off somewhat, but is not yet complete. Although the possibility of opting out has led to a sharp decline in the number of auditor mandates, the simultaneous regulation on the supply side has led to a simultaneous concentration on the supply side. Together with demographic trends and the increasing shortage of skilled labour, this results in a unique constellation that poses major challenges for audit firms - or offers them new opportunities.
Your needs and our offer
Would you like to withdraw from the auditing business in the short to medium term, either due to age or as part of focusing on the trust business, and would you like to not only offer your audit clients an opting-out option, but also present them with a convincing succession solution? Or would you like to bring your auditing mandates into a joint auditing company in order to manage the administrative and regulatory overheads, e.g. the follow-up audit, more efficiently?
auditorstats, the independent information platform for auditors and auditing companies, has been on the market for more than five years and originated from the dissertation of the founder and managing director. Our comprehensive and daily updated data analyses on the Swiss auditing market are used daily by the leading Swiss auditing companies as well as many traditional and innovative SME auditing companies and are valued as an indispensable tool.
Many of our clients see the transformation of the auditing market as an opportunity to further develop their business. They want to play an active role in shaping the future of the industry and are looking for growth opportunities and new partnerships.
How does it work?
Many auditorstats clients express an interest in taking on additional audit clients; some can also imagine bringing their engagements into a partnership. So if you are considering exiting the audit market but do not want to leave your clients alone, we can help you find the right solution.
You can use our contact form to get in touch with us to discuss your situation confidentially and without obligation. If we find a solution for you, we will receive a commission from the auditing company that takes over your mandate. Our service is free of charge for you.
Are you on the other side and would like to take on audit clients from other audit firms yourself? Subscribe to our service today so that we can add you to our database of growth-orientated audit firms.
The first step towards a successful partnership
Have we sparked your interest? Contact us for a non-binding and confidential exchange. Leave us a message using our contact form or request a callback. We look forward to hearing from you.