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Client list for MGI GROUP Fiduciaire SA (CHE-101.548.293)

Number of clients: 3
Entity Name Domicile Entity Canton Legal Form Engagement Start Last SOGC Publication Auditor Place (Branch) UID
Flückiger Electricité S.A. Saint-Blaise NE Ltd 17.02.2000 21.06.2023 Lausanne CHE-105.999.111
HOME ET COLONIE D'HABITATION LES LOVIERES Tramelan BE Foundation 13.11.2007 07.06.2023 Lausanne CHE-107.276.762
Le Terminus-Gare SA Lausanne VD Ltd 05.12.2000 13.11.2015 Lausanne CHE-103.162.579

List generated on 03.05.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have MGI GROUP Fiduciaire SA recorded as statutory auditor: 3.