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Client list for Fiduciaire Wassmer S.A. (CHE-107.774.155)

Number of clients: 7
Entity Name Domicile Entity Canton Legal Form Engagement Start Last SOGC Publication Auditor Place (Branch) UID
Cofonpart, La Corbaz Foncière Participation, société coopérative La Sonnaz FR Cooperative 28.03.2013 04.03.2024 Fribourg CHE-103.536.065
Consultas, Consultant en Assurance, Gestion et Finance S.A. Fribourg FR Ltd 17.09.1997 22.11.2019 Fribourg CHE-103.889.256
Fondation en faveur de la formation professionnelle du Cercle Chrétien-social Fribourg Fribourg FR Foundation 17.12.2014 07.07.2017 Fribourg CHE-110.289.050
Fondation St-Jacques Le Majeur Fribourg FR Foundation 26.08.2009 01.07.2013 Fribourg CHE-110.291.868
Sobet AG Fribourg FR Ltd 13.08.2020 24.09.2021 Fribourg CHE-102.129.332
SWISSENDOS CENTRE MULTIDISCIPLINAIRE de RECHERCHE et de FORMATION en CHIRURGIE ENDOSCOPIQUE en liquidation Villars-sur-Glâne FR Foundation 07.01.2010 06.02.2020 Fribourg CHE-100.332.170
Vema S.A. Fribourg FR Ltd 10.10.2013 27.09.2023 Fribourg CHE-102.266.779

List generated on 03.05.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have Fiduciaire Wassmer S.A. recorded as statutory auditor: 10.