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PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG

Core Company Information
Company Name PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG
UID CHE-106.067.173
CH-ID CH-440.3.000.364-8
Domicile St. Gallen (SG)
Legal Form Limited corporation
Capital (nominal / paid up) CHF 300'000 / CHF 300'000 (registered shares)
Status active
Inscription Date 12.12.1990
Branch offices (3) PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, in Frauenfeld (CHE-273.019.083)
PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, in Kreuzlingen (CHE-497.412.087)
PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, in Romanshorn (CHE-195.386.632)
PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, in Widnau (CHE-466.497.426)
PROVIDA Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, in Zürich (CHE-400.489.838)
Previous names Provida Treuhand AG Kreuzlingen (until 25.07.2000)
Previous domiciles
(in other cantons)
Kreuzlingen (TG), bis 03.08.2000

This company is an auditor.

Address and Contact Details
Address Schützengasse 12
9000 St. Gallen
Phone +41 71 227 70 70
Current Statutory Auditor
Auditor Name RRT AG Treuhand und Revision
Auditor UID (Branch) CHE-107.060.038
Auditor Place (Branch) Chur
Auditor UID (Head Office) CHE-107.060.038
Auditor RAB-ID 500334
Auditor Permission Type licensed audit expert
FAOA License active
Link to FAOA website View auditor profile at FAOA
Auditor Overall Status OK

Extract last processed on: 07.11.2022 22:57:51, Last Update of Non-Auditor Information: 22.01.2025 13:34:23