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Fondation pour le Musée du Sauvetage en Montagne et Mémorial des pionniers valaisans : Geiger, Martignoni, Bagnoud

Core Company Information
Company Name Fondation pour le Musée du Sauvetage en Montagne et Mémorial des pionniers valaisans : Geiger, Martignoni, Bagnoud
UID CHE-274.761.713
CH-ID CH-626.7.019.793-8
Domicile Sion (VS)
Legal Form Foundation
Status active
Firm Inscription Date 18.09.2019
Address and Contact Details
Address Chanoine Berchtold 26
1950 Sion
Current Statutory Auditor
Auditor Name Lathion Berney & Associés SA
Auditor UID (Branch) CHE-108.469.884
Auditor Place (Branch) Sion
Auditor UID (Head Office) CHE-108.469.884
Auditor RAB-ID 501695
Auditor Permission Type licensed audit expert
FAOA License cancelled
Link to FAOA website View auditor profile at FAOA
Auditor Overall Status Take action!
The FAOA permission of this auditor has expired or has been revoked.

Extract last processed on: 30.03.2023 08:52:37, Last Update of Non-Auditor Information: 24.08.2021 17:59:54