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Average engagement duration: 10.9 years (max.: 32.5 years)
Total number of statutory audit engagements: 1'268 (Ranked #5 in Switzerland)
Change in number of audit engagements: +13 (since 31.12.2024), +45 (over the last 12 months)
Number of audit clients listed on a Swiss stock exchange: 2 (thereof 0 in the SMI, 0 in the SMI Expanded and 0 in the SPI)
Details regarding the distribution of the audit engagements across legal forms and cantons are depicted in the table below.
This audit firm is recorded as statutory auditor for 468 deleted entities. These are not included in the table above.
Display client list
The 1'268 statutory audits are performed by the branch offices as indicated in the table below.
Show client list for Andelfingen, Basel, Berikon, Brugg, Chur, Köniz, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Rapperswil-Jona, Schwyz, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Weinfelden, Zürich.
Total number of audit engagements across the network: 1'659
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